A Simple Guide To Upgrading Your Machinery Before Your Next Project


Photo: Flickr 

As a project manager, you are in control of all the processes that take place on the site. You have the power, and that is not something you should ever abuse. Rather, you need to ensure that everybody who works for you is content and understands the fine details that make up the job. You can have the best staff in the world, but that doesn’t always mean that you will do an excellent job. One thing that can let you down is your machinery. Before you embark on your latest project, you need to ensure that you have the most up to date systems on the market. 

Step 1: Research the latest machinery 

If you don’t keep up with the latest developments in the area, you have no way of knowing whether your business is a market leader or not. You need to find out what changes are happening in the industry so that you can jump aboard and ensure that you are ahead of the game. You can subscribe to the latest industry magazines or find extra information online.

Step 2: Consider your budget 

Next, you need to talk to your finance department. Every year, the dept should save a particular amount of money for maintenance and new devices. You need to talk to them to see what the appropriate course of action is. You might find that you need to apply for funding so that you can enhance your machinery. If you talk to the department early, you will find that you have a better chance of getting the funding you need for this project. 

Step 3: Enhance your control system 

One of the main things that tends to slow down projects if the control panel that your machinery uses. If you find that the system is too complicated, your workers will struggle to use it. You could try getting modern CNC controls so that everything is simple for your staff. The easier you can make controlling the machinery, the faster your staff will get things done. You might want to opt for a touchscreen or computerized system, for example. 

Step 4: Complete maintenance checks 

Before you go out there and start buying loads of new machinery, you need to know what works well and what doesn’t. You should have a health and safety official on site at all times. He or she can tell you what needs replacing at the moment. If you don’t have an educated person on site, you could hire an independent expert to help you with this step. 

Step 5: Repair and reuse 

If you want to save money, you should repair existing systems before you buy new ones. See whether it would be financially viable for you to repair your equipment. You can get a quote from companies online so that you know how much the entire project will cost your company. You might have to take that information back to the finance team so that they can determine what you need to do next.

Step 6: Buy new products 

If you believe that your machinery needs upgrading, you need to buy new things. You should shop around when looking for equipment. Of course, everything you buy needs to adhere to the highest health and safety standards. You can check the things you buy has the right certification before you start using it on the site. 

Upgrading your systems and machinery will do wonders for how your project team work. You need to spend a little time showing people any new processes so that everything runs smoothly. Once you have done that, you will find that your next project is a massive success.