A Guide to Bio Ethanol Fireplaces

Biofuels are the fuels derived from living matter such as plants through the anaerobic digestion process. Typically, this type of fuel is created using starch, sugar, and vegetable oil.

Biofuels are renowned for reducing greenhouse gases unlike fossil fuels, which increase greenhouse gases.


Bioethanol is the most prevalent biofuel in the world according to Ethanol Fireplace Pros. This alcohol fuel is produced through the fermentation carbohydrates that are found in crops such as potatoes, sugarcane, and sweet sorghum.

The production and use of bioethanol produce 12% fewer greenhouse gasses as compared to the production and use of diesel. However, it contains about 34% less energy per unit volume as compared to gasoline.

Typically, it is used as a standalone fuel or as an additive to gasoline mostly in Brazil and in the USA. Brazil has a notable history of using bioethanol, being the first country to produce cars that run on bioethanol as their fuel – the Fiat 147 in 1978.

Bio Ethanol Fireplaces

Bioethanol is also used as fuel for bioethanol fireplaces. Such fireplaces do not require the installation of a chimney to vent the emissions, therefore, making it possible to install such fireplaces anywhere in the house even though they produce a real flame. Furthermore, the lack of chimney makes the bioethanol fireplaces quite flexible, with the burner taking a wide variety of forms and sizes.

When the ethanol is burned, the combustion process produces CO2 and water vapor. Typically, a bioethanol fireplace will produce the same amount of CO2 as two mid-sized candles.

However, bioethanol can also produce carbon monoxide and aldehyde. These are emitted only when combustion reaches a temperature of 700ºC. Typically, biofuel fireplaces will burn 400ºC

The Various Pros Of Using Bio Ethanol Fireplaces

When installing bioethanol fireplaces, you do not need to carry our extensive remodeling. This is because you do not need to build a chimney.

Bioethanol fireplaces are also widely considered much safer when compared to conventional fireplaces. They do not emit smoke or any obnoxious smells. They only produce heat, water vapor, and CO2.

Owing to the unique fuel, biofuel fireplaces can sport a wide range of design forms. There are no restrictions on how you can design a bioethanol fireplace; there are no restrictions to where you can install one.

In fact, bioethanol fireplaces can and are used as elements of a wide décor philosophy and centerpieces to improve the aesthetics of a space.

Finally, they are more cost effective to run. You can use a bioethanol fireplace for more than other types of fireplaces hours without having to shell more money.