Roof Replacement: What to Do When Your Roof Has Had Its Day

Keeping your roof in good condition is essential to ensuring the rest of your house stays in shape. A healthy roof means lower energy bills, less risk of damp or water damage, and even a healthier family. But there can come a point when making repairs to your roof doesn’t cut it anymore. If you need to make multiple repairs all over your rooftop, it could be better to replace it than to spend money on patching up. But how do you know if you need to replace your roof and what’s involved in the process? Check out these hints for identifying when you should replace a roof and how to get the ball rolling.

When Should You Replace Your Roof?

Deciding when to replace your roof can be tough. Making repairs can be the better choice for anyone whose roof is damaged, but it depends on the extent of the damage. If your roof has a leak or you’ve spotted something wrong in one or two places, you can probably fix it. But if there are holes, cracks, and broken tiles in multiple places over the surface, a replacement could be better than trying to repair them all. You can check your roof for damage once or twice a year by surveying it from the ground. If you notice many missing, cracked or curled shingles, leaks or stains inside, or decaying siding, you might need a replacement

Finding a Contractor

If you think you need to replace your roof, rather than make some repairs, you need to find someone to do it. When you talk to some roofing contractors, they can confirm whether you need to do a replacement or if they could just repair the damage for you. Don’t settle for the first contractor that you find. Try to speak to several companies and get quotes from them to compare. Remember that going with the cheapest quote isn’t necessarily the best choice. Have a conversation about the work you want to have done and make sure you understand each other.


Mitch Barrie

Choosing Materials

You don’t need to choose the same material you had before when you replace your roof. But the materials available to you can be dictated by the area you live in, as well as cost and the shape and slope of your roof. You’ll need to consider these factors before choosing something, but your contractor can help you. Some of your options include asphalt, wood, metal and slate.

The Reroofing Process

When the time comes for the work to begin, you probably want to know how it goes before they get started. Usually, a roof replacement will take between two and four days, so it’s not a very long process. First, the roofers will need to remove the old shingles and make any repairs. They will then put in ice dam protection, which will prevent ice building. Next, they put down asphalt paper and install the shingles. Finally, flashing and the ridge vent are installed.

Replacing your roof can seem like a daunting project, but it won’t take too long. It could save you money in the long run by avoiding the cost of ongoing repairs to a deteriorating roof.