Tips from the Professionals to Save Money When Buying Bricks Online

Whether you’re an experienced builder, or an experimenting amateur, completing your project can be costly. You can sometimes find mate’s rates, or get people to volunteer with the manual labour, but materials are often hard to save money on.

Although some people have to compromise on what they really want in order to save a little extra here and there, but here’s how you can get the brickwork that you really want, and stay under budget! Going online is a fantastic way to shop; here are some tips from the professionals to help you save money when you’re browsing the web for bricks.

The Right Site

The first thing to do is find a reputable business. When you’re shopping online it can be sometimes hard to find a website or a company that is trustworthy, and has the quality and reputation that you’d look for when dealing face to face.

 Construction Bricks

Make sure you find a business with good reviews

The best thing to do is look at the company’s history, but more importantly to read what people are saying about it in the customer reviews and on forums. If you can find satisfied customers, then you’ve found your seller. Don’t be fooled by a rant though, no business is perfect and people are always much more likely to report a bad experience than a good one, even if the good far outweighs the bad!

Stay Connected

The reason that you can save money when you’re buying online is that bricks are stocked that are old, new and on trial, discontinued or have small defects. There are of course special offers that come up too when sellers want to move their stock quickly! The key to saving money online is understanding that it’s not like a high street shop. There are thousands more people that can find your ‘secret’ haunt and see the same bargains that you can! Sales don’t often last for days, and when stock is gone, then it’s often really gone.

You need to find a great site that has these offers, and make sure that you check back very regularly to get the best deals. You can also sign up to get exclusive offers sent to your email so you can stay in touch while you’re on the go! You can stay ahead of the game if you connect your email to your smart phone. One of the best tips from the pros for saving money is to always stay connected.

Armed and Ready

The final top tip once you’ve found a site, and you’ve signed up and you’re ready and waiting to buy, is to make sure that you’ve ticked all the boxes. If you want the best deals fast to save the most money when you’re buying bricks, then you need to have all the information and space on hand for when that quick purchase has to be made. The professionals recommend you make sure you know exactly the right order size that you need, right down to the last brick (including a few spares!). This is so that you don’t have to pay for higher delivery costs or on the flip side, lose out on any short term offers because you have to order more at full price at a later date.


Make sure the bricks are exactly what you are looking for

The next money saving tip is that you also don’t want to have any overspend having bought too many! Saving money is the aim of the game, and when you’re buying bricks online it pays to be calculated. You should also make sure that you’ve got everything ready to be able to store them safely; if you can’t take the order when it’s being delivered then you’re going to lose time and money sorting it out. Temporary storage is a price that you could avoid paying if you’re well prepared beforehand!

Always make sure you order sample bricks, if you have the time that is, so that you know you’ll be happy with your purchase whenever you decide to buy the whole batch. This saves you money in the long run, and guarantee’s you’ll be happy with your buys!


Buying bricks online is a great way to save money, and allows you to invest it in other areas. There’s always money to be made, and money to be saved. These professional tips are great to know, no matter how long you’ve been in the business or how many contacts you have. Buying online is an amazing way to find a cheap bricks offer online that nobody else can match! Just remember… find the right site, stay connected, and have your mouse-clicking finger ready to hit ‘buy’ at any time!

Image credits: Marc Falardeau and TheArtGuy