What You Need To Know About Pipeline Engineering

Most people don’t give much thought to the pipelines that make up a huge part of the world’s infrastructure. They’re crucial to the modern way of life though, and the design and construction of these pipes are the responsibility of pipeline engineers.

The oil industry in particular, as well as the natural gas industry, depend on these pipelines to stay in business. Without well-built pipelines, the transfer of these materials would be near impossible. Demand is simply too great. Hundreds of thousands of individual pipes are in use at this time, and the number will only grow in the future. It seems like a lot of work; but it is all needed to keep business running, homes warm, and cars on the road. Pipeline engineers are going to be needed to keep up with new construction and maintenance in the years to come.

If you’re thinking of becoming a pipeline engineer, here is what you can expect to be responsible for:

-Developing pipeline routes in all terrains.

– Designing physical pipelines.

-Overseeing contruction of new pipelines.

-QC of existing pipes.

-Repair and maintenance.

This occupation is not for the faint of heart. It requires the engineer to have a good head on their shoulders, as well as a small taste for danger. Engineers must work quickly to fix costly problems. They must ensure that new pipes are ready in time to keep up with demand. Engineers also must venture into potentially dangerous situations when pipes fail. This is not a job for everyone, so if you enter the field don’t complain that you weren’t warned. If you want to know more then read this piece from TRS Staffing.

You’ll usually be homed to a certain area; but there are some opportunities for travel if you become an engineer. For certain pipeline engineers, there are even chances to visit off-shore sites. If you are averse to leaving home for weeks at a time, this may not be the job for you.

Now that you know what goes into the job, here are the skills you’ll need to build:


-Attitude, persistence, and attention to detail.

-A love for challenges, and the mechanical and mathematical skills required to meet said challenges.

-The ability to understand how projects fit into a larget infrastructure.

Few grow up wanting to build pipelines; but it is the pefrect job for those with the above skills and a passion for making the world a better place. The pay is great, the job secure, and the opportunities endless.