Hire A Divorce Real Estate Specialist to Navigate Rough Waters

Divorce is always tough, especially when real estate is involved. It makes sense to clarify these things in advance, but when starting a marriage many couples only see the positive aspects of their relationship. However, if you think about real estate protection early on, you can save yourself a lot of trouble. Many couples don’t do that, though.

The Beginning of the Marriage

At the beginning of a marriage, the world seems to be fine for both partners. Nobody wants to think about a divorce. However, many couples are unaware that their marriage is a community of gains. True, this means that the partners’ possessions remain separate during the marriage. But what happens in the event of a divorce?

The Divorce

A divorce is a great burden in the life of the two spouses and the entire family. It is where a phase of life ends; the mutual partnership breaks up and with it the stability of the marriage and family unit. Often there are deep-seated conflicts behind the separation and it takes a lot of time and energy to process them. Everyone wants time for themselves, but communication is particularly important at this time. Due to the partnership conflicts, however, this often no longer takes place at all or usually only through a lawyer.

Moving Out

Usually moving out of the jointly owned house or apartment is very difficult, often also the sale of the property. This is also connected with financial expenses and emotional stress. After all, you may have to be the one to give up the home and walk away. Often you don’t find a new home straight away, but you want to be physically separated from your ex-partner immediately so you prefer to move out. Once you have found a new home, your entire life situation changes. It’s not all rosy because everything has to be split up now.

Shared Property

When there is a shared property, everything becomes even more complicated. Ownership needs to be clarified and a solution has to be found that is ultimately satisfying for all parties. Often one partner alone can no longer guarantee the same credit rating in order to settle the bank loan for the property. The result: there is a real estate sale – an additional stressful situation since you have to give up the home and deal with the sale. You want to get the sale over with as quickly as possible, but you still don’t want your property to be sold below value.

Different Approaches

Real estate, such as a house or apartment, cannot simply be divided in half after a divorce. The easiest option is to sell the house or apartment. The profit generated for the real estate is then shared between both partners. However, it can happen that you do not get the price you want but have to accept a lower amount. You need a good real estate agent that specializes in helping people through a divorce. This person should be a Divorce Real Estate Specialist to work on her behalf in a fiduciary capacity.