Engineering Job Interview Preparation

Job Interview PreparationThe Job Interview is usually the most stressful and difficult part of any engineering job. On the job stress falls a distant second to the interview required to get the job in the first place. So, what can we do to reduce the stress and impress our future boss at the interview? That’s where preparation comes in. This article is about job selection, employer investigation, pre-interviews and practice to show you’re prepared for the engineering job and not just the interview questions.

Engineering Career And Job Selection is the most important step in preparing for the interview. We must do a thorough job search to find careers and jobs that are an actual match for the skills, education and experience we have. You may be able to craft a deceptive resume that makes it look like you’re qualified where you aren’t, but how do you get past the interview, or worse, do the work once hired? There are skill sets you develop in certain fields that work in other jobs, as well. If you’re in doubt, get a professional career counselor to help you find your good matches. It will make all the difference when you’re interviewing if you already have a good match. As a side note…if you’re changing careers, take some classes to fill in gaps in your experience toward the new field. Of course, to make sure it’s a good match and to prepare for the interview, it’s a good idea to investigate the potential employers.

Employer Investigation is essential to prepare for an job interview. What you’re looking for, here, is information about your employer that you can use to show your interest in their operation and to find ways you can contribute to that operation. Recently, a new head coach was chosen for the Sacramento Kings Basketball Team. The owners were impressed with the one candidate who came prepared, knowing players, strengths, weaknesses, recommended game strategies…he had a huge binder he had compiled on the Kings…he got the job. This is the kind of thing, though not to that extent, you should be looking for when investigating your employer. Where are they in the market with respect to their competitors? What are the similarities and differences between them and their competition? How can the experience and ideas you offer give them an edge over the competition? Even if all your investigation gets you is a way to show the employer you’re interested in the company and not just the paycheck, it will be well worth the effort.