Dangerous Games: Home Building Shortcuts You Will Regret

You don’t have to be a building expert to build or renovate your own home, but you do need to be sensible and organized. It’s that simple. 

Building and renovating your own home is a wonderful thing to do, but there is a strict set of rules that you should follow. It is not about playing with shortcuts or going for the cheapest option. 

It is about ensuring your new home is made to the standards you would expect. And this is what you need to think about. 

Home Building

Jay Thomson/Flickr 

Scrimping On Quality 

The quality of the construction of your renovation or build is the key to everything. If you take on the role of project manager yourself, you must be prepared to focus on getting as much quality as you can for your money. 

Research the building firms you are getting in thoroughly. Ask for recommendations. Get them to show you testimonials from past customers. Go and see their work for yourself. Most people will be happy to show you around their homes, especially if they have project managed the whole thing themselves. 


The most critical aspect of any building project is design. Every single decision that you make with design will have an effect later on down the line. It doesn’t matter whether you are installing a new kitchen or building an entire new home. If you don’t design properly, you could come unstuck. 

If you are planning major work but aren’t an architect yourself, you will need to hire one. It is essential that your new home is designed and planned well to the very last detail. Any mistakes here can lead to knock-on effects. In turn, this could lead to serious implications for your finances, and your time. 

Not Following Regulations 

Make yourself aware of the regulations that come with building your own home. There are strict rules to follow, and if you don’t there will be trouble at some point. 

Imagine finally finishing the job after a year or so, but then being told it didn’t comply with local restrictions and regulations. All that money would simply be poured down the drain. 

Machine Hire 

If you are hiring your own machines, you will need to think carefully about what you need. It is worth taking the advice of the builders, here, as they will have the experience that you might lack. 

Consider your location, too. If the area is hard to get at, you may need something like these JOMAC telescopic cranes to help you bring in materials or other machines from a distance. 


Finally, the most important factor: your budget. Home renovation and building projects are notorious for going over budget. 

While you might think you have everything under control, it only takes one little mistake to set you back thousands. Accidents do happen, and unless you have a safety net for your budget, your project could be left in tatters. 

Never go into a major project without having some backup.