LED is the Future

LED or Light Emitting Diode is a breakthrough technology in lighting that has revolutionized the quality and cost of lighting. LED lighting is incredibly versatile and can be used for almost all lighting purposes be it for a car, home or public lighting. The advantages of LED over conventional light bulbs are numerous. First and foremost they are far more eco-friendly than their conventional brethren so that they can work for a lot longer without needing to be changed. The colour they emit can be easily modified as it consists of merely changing a chip rather than the finicky process commonly associated with conventional or even energy saving light bulbs.

LED lightingThe long lifecycle of LED lights is also attributable to their resilience to power surges and physical force. They have, by nature of their compact construction, a high resistance to shock, so that where a conventional light bulb might break or the filament snap, an LED light will continue to work. Furthermore, LEDs are resilient to power surges, an issue common in Australia. Conventional lights tend to burn out when too much voltage is put through them and they have a tendency to burn through their filament a lot faster if exposed to higher than required voltages for prolonged periods of time.

LED at home: For a home environment the versatility of LED is ideal. The very long life cycle, combined with the option of coloured or white light and the ability of the user to tune the brightness of the light all make LED the perfect choice for home lighting. Furthermore, the compact nature of LED lights allows for far more attractive designs and gives the user the opportunity to place lights in places where conventional lights could not fit, such as in cramped storage areas or in corners where the fixture can adhere to the interior designers plans.

LED is also ideal for outdoor lighting, where the issues of power consumption and light pollution are common. By nature, LED lights use far less power than conventional lighting and when combined with a sensor-activated system can be very eco-friendly. Often described as ‘soft-on the eye’, users report that LED lights emit a far more natural hue than normal lights do and are therefore less of a disruption to nature in the form of light pollution.

Different Shades of Light: Tests and Studies have shown that different types and colours of light are beneficial to different situations. For example, a neutral white light with a high proportion of blue helps increase concentration at work. The adaptability of LED lights allows the user to choose the type of light they would like in different areas of their home so that while the study may have white light with a high proportion of blue, the living room could have a warm white light, which has been proven to stimulate social activities in bars. The driveway can have whatever colour lighting the user wishes to come home to every day.

Prevalence of LED: Homeowners and businesses alike are quickly switching to LED because of the immense benefits it provides. Companies such as Corospark arefitting indoor and outdoorLED lighting to homes in Australia and this is fast becoming a major trend. LED lighting can be up to 75% more efficient than the standard incandescent lighting used in most homes and can last up 35 to 50 times as long. Also, LED lights do not emit the kind of heat that normal lights do so there is little unnecessary energy lost through thermal energy, which can also cut down on air conditioning costs. Most LED lights come with a three-year warranty, far more than the industry standards dictate and can last for a lot longer than that.

In countries where public lighting was replaced a few years ago with power-saving (environmentally friendly) lighting, they are again replacing them with LEDs because of the significant difference in power savings and the cost effectiveness of their long lifecycle.

The future is undoubtedly in LED lighting and we are better off for it. The savings involved and the efficiency LED provides should not be overlooked.The many options for customisation in brightness and colour are a far cry from the neon lit offices of yesterday and we will soon consider LED as the only option for public and private lighting.