Hiring a Basement Waterproofing Specialist

Basement Waterproofing

Dealing with basement leaks and flooding can be quite frustrating. The best way to solve the problem is by figuring out the actual source of it and acting accordingly. The demand for basement waterproofing and repair specialists is relatively high these days, so it is not surprising to find a lot of companies now offering their services. This article will show you how to hire the best one in no time.

Experience Is Key

I don’t mean to undermine new businesses, but experience is still an important factor to consider when choosing a basement waterproofing company. Even when the company is new, the people behind it may be experienced enough to handle the project.

Ask for past references and learn more about the projects they have worked on before. Companies that have more experience in dealing with different kinds of basement problems are the best ones to choose from.


The goal of hiring a basement waterproofing specialist is to have your basement fixed once and for all. The only way you can do that is by hiring a specialist that knows exactly what to do.

Have the contractors do complete assessments and tell you the solutions that will help fix your basement problems. Find out more about the proposed solutions by browsing resource centres and basement-related websites for more info. You should be able to see whether the solutions are really suitable for your problems,


You can’t hire a waterproofing contractor you can’t afford. At the beginning of your search, set a budget for the project – or figure out the amount of money you can afford to spend on waterproofing your basement – and compare estimates from multiple contractors accordingly. You can also seek financing or break the project down into several stages to keep everything affordable.

Pricing is an important aspect when comparing basement waterproofing specialists. There are companies who like to do everything at once, which in turn will make their estimates appear to be more expensive. On the other hand, some contractors prefer to fix on the essentials and give you the best possible price.

Reviews and Testimonials

Similar to comparing the companies based on their experience, it is also necessary to read reviews and testimonials from past clients before finalizing your decision to hire the contractor. You will find online reviews useful nonetheless.

You can also consult independent auditor such as the Better Business Bureau for more info. Don’t forget to check the company’s license and registration as well as its industry-specific credentials.

Lastly, contact the company’s past references directly for some first-hand testimonials. Find out more about how pleasant it was to work with the contractor and whether the team worked according to the standards you are expecting from them.

Making the Decision

Hiring a contractor to waterproof your basement is actually very easy to do. Once you have reviewed all the factors and make your decision, simply sign off on the project and let the contractor begin the project as soon as possible. You will be able to have your basement problems solved quickly and effectively.