Creating An Architectural Rendering: Tips To Create Realistic Images

The best architectural renderings are planned out well in advance and encompass many little details that all combine to create one amazing image. It takes time to put in those small details; in the end, though, they truly make the rendering what it is. They have a huge impact on how real the image looks. This article will focus on what to do with the area around the building. Incorporating nature is one of the best ways to make the rendering more realistic.

  1. Grass

To start, put grass in around the building. It should not all be the same height. In addition, the ground should have some variation; if you make it completely flat, it will not look realistic. Nature has a lot of small imperfections. If your image looks too perfect, it will immediately be pegged as a computer generated picture.

When a lawn mower moves over grass, the blades are pushed at different angles. When working on your rendering, put in some streaks to represent this phenomenon. This is an added touch that makes your image seem more real.

  1. Shadows

The outside world is filled with shadows. In the case of your rendering, there are a number of different objects that could create shadows on your scene, like a tree, a building or a car. This is essential to your drawing because it is the only way to indicate that there is something else going on around the building. Without shadows, the image does not look real.

  1. Extra Details

Once you have the grass and the shadows in the rendering, add extra details for better architectural visualisation. According to Some areas of the grass should be thinner than others. It is okay to let a little dirt peek out now and then. You just don’t want it to look uniform across your entire rendering.

Check to make sure the shadows look the way you want them to look. Put in a few different kinds of grass. If it is naturally growing, there will be variation. AstroTurf, of course, is something entirely different.

  1. Flowers And Leaves

This step takes a little time, but if you want your image to look real, you can’t skip it. Put in a few dandelions. Add some leaves. It is highly unlikely that the grounds of a building will be perfectly landscaped at all times.

  1. Color Alterations

Before you finish, alter the grass so there are a few different colors present in your image. For example, some of the grass may be a little brown. It shouldn’t be anything two stark, but a little bit of color variation goes a long way in making the image appear more realistic.

It is not easy to add these elements of realism to your renderings. However, the final product looks so much better when they are incorporated. If you’ve ever heard that your image looks too computer generated, you likely need to add in some little details!