The Best Ways to Add Value to Your Real Estate

Real Estate ValueWhen you go to add value to your home you should make additions that are going to make your life easier, more comfortable and enjoyable.  If you are value adding to simply benefit you when you go to sell then you are missing out having a more comfortable lifestyle in the short term.  Building structures like patios or verandas are going to give you somewhere to escape the hot sun in summer and also create an entertainment area.  You may choose to put in a pool, which is a significant financial outlay, but it will increase the value of your property.  As well as the pool itself you will need to spend money on all the right pool supplies too.

Patio or veranda

By having a shaded area in your backyard you are creating a whole extra outdoor room that you can use for both relaxing and entertaining.  You will use your yard a lot more if you can escape the heat in summer and it also means you can be outside even if it is raining.  If you have children you can send them outside to play no matter what the weather.  Adding any structures, such as a veranda or patio, will add value to your home.



If you are planning on putting in a swimming pool you will be up for a significant financial outlay but you will get a lot of enjoyment out of your pool as well as increase the value of your property.  If you have children they will certainly use your pool all through summer and it makes entertaining that little bit more fun.  You will need to buy all the right equipment to take care of your pool as they do require a fair bit of maintenance.  You will also need to erect a proper safety fence and install a childproof gate.


If you have a new home built on a vacant block then one of the first things you should do is start on your garden so that it has time to become established.  This is especially important if you are thinking of only being there for a short period of time before you sell.  Plan your garden before you start planting and visit the nursery for professional advice.  You can add thousands of dollars in value to your property if you have an established garden.

Solar panels and water tanks

With the ever increasing cost of power bills and having just gone through ten years of drought, it is a good idea to think about adding solar panels, as well as water tanks, to your home.  By adding solar panels you can reduce your reliance on electricity created by coal and you will find that your power bill will be significantly smaller.  By creating your own energy you can power your whole home and even heat the water in your pool.  Catch the run off of water from your roof in water tanks, which can be positioned discreetly along the side of your house or even buried underground.  This water can be used for drinking, washing or you might just use it to water the garden.

 Author Bio: Tom Mallet is an Australian freelance writer and journalist. He writes extensively in Australia, Canada, Europe, and the US. He’s published more than 500 articles about various topics, including patio and pool supplies.