Transporting Temperature Sensitive Materials

Insulation BoxWhen you need to move temperature sensitive materials between building sites, you have to ensure that these materials are well protected during the transportation process. If any problems occur with these materials during delivery then it has the potential to cause serious delays to the building project. There are a number of ways that you can safely package temperature sensitive materials in order to prevent damage and delays. 

  • Insulated pallet covers

Pallet covers that are insulated are an effective way to protect temperature sensitive materials during transportation. These covers can be fitted all the way around the pallets to ensure that the materials are fully protected. Heat is reflected away from the pallet cover while cold air is reflected back inside the pallet which can help keep the temperature of the space surrounding the materials constant. The covers are not affected by moisture or humidity and can also be reused. This makes them a very cost effective solution for moving sensitive goods between sites. They also work extremely well when they are transported alongside other goods that are not temperature sensitive as it does not matter what the overall temperature of the container is.

  • Insulated roll cage covers

Covers are also available if the temperature sensitive materials are being transported in roll cages. These have many of the same benefits as the pallet covers but the main difference is the way they are placed around the cage. Whereas pallet covers are wrapped around the pallet, covers for a roll cage are secured by zips or Velcro. When only small amounts of materials need to be transported, then roll cages are a very useful solution as they only take up a small amount of space. By using these covers the movement of smaller amounts of temperature sensitive materials is also possible.

  • Insulated shipping containers

These shipping containers will usually have a double wall, with the insulated material contained in between these walls. This ensures that the materials are protected by insulation from both sides of the containers as well as from the top and bottom of the container. The containers will also usually contain a system that will monitor the temperature inside the container so that the driver will be alerted immediately if the temperature within the container becomes too high or too low.

A lower cost alternative is to purchase ready rolled insulating material which can be fitted to any existing shipping container. These liners come with the necessary fixing tape and can, in some instances, be reused.

  • Insulated boxes

There are a number of advantages to using boxes that have been insulated in the transportation of temperature sensitive building materials. Most of these insulated boxes are reusable so they are a cost effective solution and they can also be custom made to meet your specific requirements. They are extremely lightweight which makes them very easy to be transported in any type of vehicle. This could allow materials to be delivered to a site even on days when no other deliveries have been arranged as you would be able to take them yourself in your own vehicle.

Building projects that are being carried out will have a budget and a timeframe that they need to stick to as far as possible. Any problems that occur with materials can have a serious effect on both of these factors. Temperature sensitive materials present even more difficulty because they have to be transported in conditions that will not cause damage while they are in transit. Fortunately, there are a number of options that are available that mean these materials will remain protected while they are being moved between different sites.