Seven Reasons You Need Facilities Management

Most companies have heard of facilities management (FM), but just as many don’t realise how engaging an FM service can help them to get the best out of their building and its amenities.

A company’s facilities are usually its second-biggest expense, after salaries and other personnel expenses; and while staff get a lot of attention and development (as they should, of course!), facilities management isn’t seen as being anywhere near as important.

By engaging a professional facilities management service, companies can “work” their facilities more strategically and efficiently, lowering their running costs and getting better long-term results.

A worthy profession

Seen previously as a fancy optional extra, facilities management is a profession in its own right, with university and college courses gaining popularity across the world. As companies both large and small realise that there are many risks and opportunities in owning or leasing facilities, they are turning more and more to bespoke management services.

Here are seven reasons your company needs an FMS:

To improve your bottom line

Your facilities are your second-largest asset and one of your biggest expenses, so an FM professional will be able to maximise efficiency and value and reduce your costs.

To improve the work environment

Each workplace and building has a unique structure and environment that can affect staff, operational processes and systems. Your FM professional will be able to look at your business and help it to work better with the environment.

To plan for the future

Whether you’re planning to grow in the near future, or just to improve profits, you need to plan well to cut costs and get the most out of your building. Facilities managers can offer direction and development guidance to help you to achieve these aims.

To promote sustainability

It’s part of your corporate responsibility and also good for your corporate image to introduce a sustainability policy that works in the long-term. Having a facilities manager can help you to develop the ideal policy and to maintain and evolve it as time goes by.

To reduce legal and administrative risks

Just owning or leasing a building or complex carries a certain amount of risk and also a large logistical load that can take up a lot of time and energy. Handing the task over to an FM service lets businesses concentrate on what they do best.

To have a dedicated, experienced team

Company facilities need an entire team of specialists and generalists to make them work at their best and almost no companies can afford to have this sort of team in-house.

To free up your staff

Your company building and other facilities take a lot of time and effort to manage properly and if your staff are tasked with this, they’re also taxed with it, as it’ll detract from their main roles. This kind of situation can cut undue pressure on employees and ultimately can risk your bottom line.

An FM team will free your employees up to work on the business and make a success of it.