Home Insulation Offers Best Savings

Home InsulationResearch carried out by the Energy Saving Trust (EST) has highlighted home insulation as the most effective measure for helping property owners to reduce their monthly bills.

According to the EST’s findings, internal and external solid wall insulation provides the greatest benefit to homeowners, delivering potential savings of £460 and £490 per year respectively.

Furthermore, the organisation stated that up to 58 per cent of heat loss in uninsulated homes takes place through the walls, highlighting the importance of ensuring these areas are adequately protected from unnecessary heat dissipation.

Other measures that can help Brits to make savings by investing in insulation include in cavity wall spaces and lofts.

The news follows the publication of a study by Hilary Thomson of the Medical Research Council in Glasgow, which revealed better-insulated properties not only help Brits to save on their outgoings, but this green home improvement also provides considerable health benefits for individuals.

Knauf Insulation provides sustainable insulation solutions for loft insulation, cavity wall insulation and solid wall insulation.