Health and Safety for handling of Flooring Resins

Possible effects due to the incorrect handling of reactive resin based materials

- Irritation, reddening, itching and severe pain of the skin and eyes.
- Allergic skin reactions, especially of hands, legs, eyes and face.
- Cauterisation, mainly caused by the hardener.
- The inhalation of solvent fumes can cause headaches and might damage different parts of the human system (e.g. the nervous system).
A person who develops an allergic reaction to reactive resins cannot work any longer in this profession, because any further contact with the resin will lead to any of the above mentioned reactions.The worker may be forced to change his occupation.
General protective and hygiene measures
- Ensure that sufficient ventilation, including exhaust is available for the workplace.
- Avoid any contact with eyes and skin.
- Use barrier skin cream.
- Remove soiled or soaked clothing immediately.
- Do not eat, drink or smoke during work time.
- Wash hands before every break and after work.
- In case of insufficient ventilation use ori-nasal mask suitable for organic vapours. Class of vapour filter depends on the concentration of pollutants in the workplace.
- Use hand protection (butyl rubber/nitrile rubber gloves).
- Always wear eye protection (safety glasses).
- Wear body protection (working clothes).
How to prevent allergic reactions?
- Avoid any contact of uncured reactive resins with bare skin.
- Use only suitable implements/tools
- Always ensure the use of eye protection at all times (e.g. eye protector, safety glasses).
- Use suitable work clothes (i.e. overalls), particularly during mixing and the application when kneeling down (i.e. knee pads).
First aid
- Contact with your skin: Immediately take off the resin soaked clothes and clean the effected skin area with water and soap. Never use solvent!
- Contact with your eyes: Rinse eyes thoroughly with flowing water. Always visit a doctor!