Furiously Funky Things You Can Do With Timber

Timber is one of the most versatile and useful raw materials around. There’s so much you can use it for, and the best part is that it’s a natural resource. Using timber as much as you can helps you embrace a greener lifestyle and is cheaper than many alternative materials. Whether you’re at home doing work or running a building site, it’s likely you’ll use timber at some point. 

Because it’s so brilliant timber is often in high demand, and as such it’d be useful for you to stock up as much as possible. Still not convinced? Okay, well let’s look at some of the most awesome things you can do with timber. 

Build a fence 

One of the most classic uses for timber is building a fence. You might have decided to do this ages ago. But you might not have had the right kind of material. You need to plan out what type of fence you’re going to construct. Now, the great thing with timber is you can buy it in all manner of shapes and sizes. Many companies specialising in building supplies will offer customised timber that you can buy. So whatever size and shape of the fence you want to build you should have no problems getting the material. 

Put up a shed 

You could also use timber to put up a shed in the backyard. A shed is a vital component of any garden. You can use it for storage, and as a place to grow things in the garden. Sheds are also a great security measure. You need to have one in the garden, but buying a shed can be problematic. It’s often difficult to get one that’s the exact size and shape you want it to be. By building one, you can fit the specifications to meet your personal needs. You’ll also find timber is durable, weather proof and lasts for a long time. Have a look at the kind of timber available to you and make sure you bulk order enough to cover the project. 

Use it for fuel 

A use you might not have considered for timber is its use as a fuel. The great thing about timber is it’s a natural resource. So, if you have a wood burner or a fire timber is the perfect fuel to use for it. You can buy loads of timber and then cut it down to size. You want to go for the kind of log size that fits nicely on a fire. Build or buy a log storage unit where you can store all the timber once you’ve cut it down. This will preserve it against bad weather and ensure that it still does its job once you get it on the fire. 


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One of the trendier things you can do with timber is build decking. You might not have the property for this. But if you do you should definitely build some decking. The great thing about decking is that it’s useful. You can store things there, you can eat and you can use it as a chill out area. In the summer, you can have a BBQ on your decking and sip some cold ones. Decking looks fantastic too. It adds a modern touch to your property and is sure to drop a few jaws when you build it in the back garden.