Carpet Care – A few tips and guides to help owners keep their rugs and carpets looking new and attractive

Introduction to Carpet Care

Carpets, rugs and other upholstery items represent substantial investments in the home. These items, just as with other furnishings, require good care in order to keep them looking attractive.

Carpets and rugs do not wear out over time as they are made of good quality fiber. However, they do accumulate dust and dirt very easily and pretty soon their attractiveness deteriorates. Owners can prolong the life of their rugs and carpets and keep them looking new and attractive by maintain proper care and establishing a regular cleaning schedule.

Carpets and rugs are generally made out of synthetic fibers. There are, however, a number of carpets made out of natural fibers such as wool and these require special considerations when it comes to cleaning and maintenance.

Some useful tips to prolong the life of carpets and rugs

Some of the top tips that help people keep their carpets looking new and attractive include:

  • Regular Maintenance and Cleaning Schedules: The most important way to keep carpets clean is by maintaining a regular vacuuming schedule. Vacuuming in highly frequented areas helps reduce the accumulation of dry soil and this helps in prolonging the life of rugs and carpets. It is recommended that high traffic areas be vacuum cleaned daily and the whole home should be vacuumed at least once a week. Frequently changing the direction and pattern of vacuuming also helps in prolonging life.
  • Immediate Removal of Stains and Spots: Spills and stains can prove to be disastrous to rugs and carpets. These spots need to be removed at the earliest in order to avoid lasting damage. While there are many household cleaners, most of these contain chemicals which may damage the carpet material permanently. Some of the recommended cleaning agents include:
  • Mild liquid detergent solution
  • White vinegar and water solution
  • White paper towels and cloths
  • Diluted ammonia solution on synthetic materials
  • Nail polish remover which does not contain oil
  • Chewing Gum remover
  • Non-flammable removers
  • Preventive Maintenance Care: This method ensures that the carpets and rugs receive as little traffic as possible. Owners can resort to placing walk off mats at entrances, use of pads under carpets and rugs, use of coasters under heavy furniture placed on carpets and avoiding prolonged exposure of the carpets and rugs to sunlight. While moving heavy furniture, the carpet must be protected by the use of plywood or cardboard.
  • Periodic Maintenance by Professionals: While households can manage to keep their carpets and rugs relatively clean, it is recommended that professional cleaning services be used time to time. These experienced professionals prove to do a much quicker and efficient job and are also equipped with a wide variety of tools and solutions.
  • Avoiding wetting and the use of detergents: Over wetting and detergents hamper the life of otherwise good quality rugs and carpets. Any carpet or rug which remains wet for over a day is exposed to the risk of growth of molds and fungus. Excess detergent residue also proves to accumulate soil particles more easily.

While carpets and rugs these days may be of premium grade quality and seem to have a long life, owners must remember that all types of carpets and rugs require regular maintenance and care.