Job Guide to Civil Engineers


Civil engineers usually work in one of the following areas: structural, water resources, soil and foundation, transport, town planning or construction. A civil engineer may specialise:

Airport Engineer

An airport engineer

  • specialises in preparing designs for airports, hangars and control towers
  • supervises the construction, maintenance and repair of runways, taking into consideration factors such as weight, size and speed of aircraft
  • advises contractors on technical problems during construction.

Geotechnical/Soil Engineer

A geotechnical/soil engineer

  • inspects proposed construction sites to work out soil and foundation conditions by conducting drilling and sampling programs
  • oversees and participates in field and laboratory testing of soils, and makes sure that test equipment and machinery is properly set up
  • prepares reports of test results and makes recommendations for the solution of engineering problems identified in test reports
  • prepares specifications of soil mixtures for use in roads, embankments and other construction, and calculates and advises on the required slope at cuttings and the thickness of soil dams and retaining walls.

Harbour Engineer

A harbour engineer

  • designs and supervises the construction of harbour facilities such as breakwaters, navigation aids, navigation channels, jetties, wharves, heavy-duty pavement surfaces, cargo sheds and bulk handling plants for grain, ore and other cargo
  • ensures that the designs satisfy safety and serviceability requirements
  • makes efficient use of funds and materials to achieve the safety and serviceability requirements.

Highway Engineer

A highway engineer

  • specialises in analysing population and growth statistics and traffic patterns and volume to project future requirements
  • talks to government officials and other specialists to help design efficient and safe traffic systems
  • studies roadway and embankment design, the geometry of highway interchanges and the maintenance of facilities such as culverts and overpasses.