7 Top Tips For A Heat Ready Home

This summer is set to be a scorcher. Is your home ready for the heat? Although the highest temperatures may be a couple of months yet, it’s certainly not too early to start preparing your household. In fact, if you leave it until the last minute you run the risk of having to put up with very uncomfortable living conditions. Start today with these seven top tips. 

  1. Check your air conditioning 

You may be very good at changing the filters and cleaning your unit, but when was the last time that you had an air conditioning service? There could be problems lurking underneath the surface that could lead your system to break down when you most need it. A professional will be able to give your unit a MOT and deal with any problems before they escalate. 

  1. Consider robust window treatments 

Material blinds or curtains don’t always do the best job of keeping your home shaded and cool. When the sun is at its strongest, you will want to take shelter inside. More substantial window coverings, such as wooden shutters and awnings will provide adequate shade and keep your rooms cool. 

Robust Window Treatment

Image: Daniel X. O’Neil

 Check your fridge and freezer 

Your refrigerator and freezer must be in good nick in order to keep your food cool and safe to eat when it is warm outside. If there is a build-up of ice in your freezer, start making your way through the contents and once empty allow it to defrost. Clean the interior of your fridge and ensure that it cold enough. If you are concerned about either of these appliances, contact your manufacturer for specific instructions. 

  1. Assess your insulation 

Is your current roof insulation adequate? If not, you may wish to upgrade or add another level. You insulation should be very efficient at keeping the cool air in and the hot air out. 

Image: m anima 

  1. Consider the addition of ceiling fans 

When the weather is hot, but not unbearable, a ceiling fan may do the job of keeping a room cool and you comfortable. Ceiling fans are a good option to have as you will reduce your energy consumption and your bills through less use of your air conditioning system. 

  1. Plant trees for shade 

Trees are another great way to protect your home from overheating from direct sunlight. You can plant fast-growing trees near windows as a natural way to shade your home. 

  1. Check windows can open and shut 

Your windows may become sticky if they have been closed for an extended period during the winter months. Take the time to check that you can easily open and shut them. When there is a breeze on a hot day, open windows can cool your home adequately. Remember not to leave them open if you decide to turn the air conditioning on. 

Image: katzenfinch 

As you can see, there are a lot of things to consider and steps to take in order to prepare your home before the summer heat kicks in. Start these preparations as soon as possible, and you can guarantee comfortable and safe living conditions during the hot weather.