Ways to Generate New Real Estate Leads

Real estate agents and companies need to maintain healthy leads if they are to keep their business afloat. There are times when a realtor will have multiple clients when the rates are low, but bad times are expected as well when the client base is lacking. However, even as you adjust to the fluctuating real estate market, here are a few tips you can use to generate new leads.

Attach Videos to Your Emails

Clients are more likely to open a video than read a lengthy email. Create a video with engaging content that potential clients will find helpful. Most people tend to open emails with videos attached to them. Therefore, add video in the email subject line and notice an increase in the number of emails opened. It also helps to set you apart from your competitors. Not many people send video emails. This means you are a few steps ahead of your competitors, which puts you at an advantage.

Answer Calls Every Time

This is especially important if you have a business number. It can be a potential lead, and you do not want it to go to voicemail. If you choose to return the call another time, a client may decide to move to the next agent. If you are showcasing a house with other clients, you can excuse yourself for a minute and promise to call the potential client later. Just like the https://www.newhomestar.com/ insists, such a simple gesture can easily earn you a client.

Create Partnerships

It will help if you network with local businesses and find those you can build partnerships that are mutually beneficial. For instance, a collaboration with an insurance company can be helpful. You can recommend the insurance company to clients shopping for home insurance, and on the other hand, the insurance company can recommend clients looking to sell their homes. Other local businesses you can partner with include commercial lenders, landscapers, and cleaning services.

Create Ads

You only need to create one ad and run it on various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Social media ads can capture a consumer’s attention very quickly, especially if you have catchy content. By investing in paid advertising, you will attract people’s interest, especially those searching for anything related to real estate. You can also pay for your ad to be placed on a billboard, especially in areas with high traffic of your potential customers. For instance, if you are advertising student housing, pay for billboards near colleges.

Create an App

An app can be a great asset in growing a real estate business. Build your app and market it on social media, business cards, yard signs, and flyers. The app needs to offer a convenient user experience to any potential client. For instance, your clients should be able to do things like,

  • Choose whether they are looking for residential or commercial real estate 
  • Find properties near them
  • Take a tour of the house through the app
  • Find a map directing them to the property
  • Book appointments

Generating leads in real estate is all about building relationships. Establish trust with potential clients by providing quality services, staying visible, and communicating consistently.