How To Protect Your New Project From Flooding And Water Damage

Flood damage is one of the most devastating things that can happen to property. Even an inch of water inside the property can cause tens of thousands to repair. It has a huge negative effect on so many parts of the home. It will ruin carpets. It could destroy electrical systems close to the ground. It will infiltrate structural aspects and weaken the core of the house. 

It’s important to realise that water damage can occur very slowly, or all at once. A flood is a fast, immediate problem that is very obvious. However, water damage can occur slowly from leaks or poor irrigation of rainwater. If you’re starting a new build or taking on a new project, you need to take steps to avoid this problem. We spoke to the experts at and picked up some tips to protect your new project. 

Turf – First of all, it’s important to soak up water before it even reaches the home. Front and back gardens are the best way to divert water away at the source. Try to avoid too much paving or concrete outside the home. This is especially important if your project is situated on a slope. Build in turf and soil to soak up rainwater and divert it away from the home. 

Effective guttering and flood defense – Often, water damage can occur slowly as a result of poor guttering. It can pour off the roof and infiltrate the home. Invest in strong, stable guttering throughout. If the area is prone to flooding, it could be worth taking extreme measures such as flood gates. Water creep can occur through the foundations too, so waterproof your basement. 

Project Flooding


Consider the flooring – In the case of a flash-flood, the tricks above will help reduce the impact. However, if water does enter the home, you can take steps to reduce the damage. One good way to do this is use ceramic tiles and avoid carpets on the lower levels. Instead, use rugs for soft furnishing. It will minimise the cost of flooding as carpets and wooden floors will bear the biggest burden. 

Elevate electric sockets – You don’t need us to tell you that water in the electric system is bad news! If you know there is a risk of flooding, keep electrical sockets well above the ground. Ensure that all wiring channels upwards and is away from the floor. 

Free standing units – If a flood occurs, your big priority is reducing the cost of damage quickly. One good way to do this is by installing free standing kitchen units. You can quickly and easily remove them from the infected area. 

Heating and plumbing systems – Just like electricity, water trouble here will be expensive. When constructing the property, ensure that boilers are located upstairs. Replacing a boiler is very expensive! Ask your plumbers to install non-return valves to make sure that water only travels one way. This will reduce the likelihood of problems in a flood scenario. 

You can never predict what water will do! Flooding is a powerful and devastating force. So is slow water creep, albeit, on a much quieter level. Take steps early in the build to prevent and reduce damage if you’re concerned about this!