Projects to Boost Your Home’s Value

If you’re looking for ways to boost the overall resale value of your home, there are plenty of projects you can complete that will not only beautify it but also make it more attractive to potential homebuyers. As you begin to prepare a list of to-do items to boost your home’s value, consider these common home improvement projects.

Floor Refinishing

If you live in a home that has hardwood flooring, one of the first projects you should consider is refinishing your floors. Freshly refinished hardwood floors can help drive up your home’s resale value and make it attractive to potential homebuyers. If you live in an older home with carpeting, you may have beautiful natural hardwood flooring hidden beneath your carpet. Talk with experts in floor refinishing Fairfax VA to see if someone can help you with the refinishing process.


Updating your home’s walls is another great way to boost your resale value, especially if you’re surrounded by wallpaper. Remove your old, dated wallpaper and update it with a fresh coat of paint. A finished wall looks great and can help your home when it’s listed on the market.

Side Your Home

A home with siding is often more attractive to potential homebuyers than one that’s painted because it’s lower maintenance. If your home is painted, consider adding siding around your home to boost your overall curb appeal and help your home fetch a higher price on the market.


Roofs can have a major impact on whether someone will decide to purchase a home. An older, dated roof may not sell as quickly as one with a newer roof. Consider updating your roofing to boost your home’s value quickly.

By completing these common home improvement projects around your home, you’ll not only be able to enjoy a boost to your overall aesthetics, but you should also see a higher return when it comes time to sell.