Your New Home: The Advantages Of Building Over Buying

If you have the choice between building or buying your new home, most people would choose the latter option. The biggest advantages of buying an existing home are cost and convenience. In most cases, buying a home will work out cheaper than building one from scratch. And, the whole process will be a lot easier. Despite these facts, more and more people are choosing to acquire land and build property on it. What to know why? Read on for the distinct advantages of building your new home.

  1. You get your dream home

The biggest advantage has to be that you can build your dream home or something very close to it. When you are searching for an existing property, it is near impossible to find one that ticks all your boxes. You will have to make a fair few compromises. When building your own home, there will be far fewer, if any compromises to be made. You have much more control over the design and function of the new home.

  1.  Your home will be brand new

When you work with design and building companies like Tru-Built, they will build you a beautiful brand new home. Whereas, when you buy an existing home, you may find that it has not been treated with care by its previous owners or that it has permanent alterations that are not pleasing to you. A new home is a blank canvas with which you can do whatever you want.

Home Design

Photo Jeremy Levine

  1.   New homes are more efficient

Any property built these days must adhere to the current efficiency standards. These standards cover elements such as heating, insulation, cooling and ventilation, and many others. This results in super efficient new homes being built which can adapt with east to the changing climate and seasons (which can’t be said for most older properties). Not only does this lead to comfortable living conditions all year round, but it can also an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way to live.

  1.   They are also more sustainable

New homes tend to use more sustainable materials which are better for the environment, and  for you. Old buildings have been found to hold materials, such as asbestos, which are harmful to human beings and the environment. By using energy efficient systems and green materials you can create a home that is far more sustainable than an older property.

  1.   They should be easy to sell

More and more people are attracted to new build properties. A growing concern for the environment and the desire to live in a house that is low-maintenance and low-cost are the main reasons for this. Your new home is likely to appeal to the majority of buyers meaning you will, in theory, be able to shift it quickly and for a good price.

As well as these practical advantages there is also an emotional benefit that comes with building your own home. Most people develop a deep connection with a property that is designed and made especially for them. As well as this, it’s also rewarding and satisfying to be involved in such a life-changing personal project.
