What to Expect from a Commercial Building Inspection

Commercial Building Inspector

Image Source: Pexels

Building Inspections are important so as to maintain the safety and cleanliness of commercial buildings for both employees and customers alike.

As important as they are, however, they can be problematic if you don’t know what an inspector is looking for and how you can fix any problems that exist before they arrive.

But keep in mind that it’s always better to have a problem fixed properly, as the aspects of the building that are inspected often have to do with health and safety.

General Overview

For a commercial building, there are many things an inspector will be required to check, including all accessible parts of the property, both interior and exterior, rooftop areas, the site of the building itself, and any basement levels.

You can also request the inspector to look at particular aspects of the structure, including any signs of asbestos and whether smoke detectors are operable.

Inspections are incredibly thorough, analysing the interior, exterior, and site of your commercial building to ensure that it is safe for both employee and client alike. Most commercial buildings are classified according to type and purpose.

Depending on your location and the type of building, your inspection may cover a wide range of factors.

Class 2-9 building inspections will have varying levels of depth and you will be obliged to know what your classifications and what will be inspected in your state or territory.

The Site Itself

The site that your commercial building is constructed on will also be inspected during this time.

The general list of things that will be checked include garages, carport or sheds, steps, fencing, retaining walls, separate laundry or toilet areas, surface water drainage, storm water runoff, and paths and driveways.

Some building inspection reports will adopt a standard format or use a comprehensive checklist while others will be individually tailored for each property.

Generally speaking, you can expect almost everything that is frequently used in one way or another to be inspected for safety reasons.

This will include anything that people walk on, anything constructed of potentially hazardous material if broken, and anything that may be dangerous if improperly mounted or assembled.

Almost anything that is a safety concern will be inspected.

Things That Aren’t Included

While an inspection covers many aspects of a commercial building and its site, there are still certain things an inspection does not cover, including areas outside of the inspector’s expertise, termite detection, and repair cost estimates.

You should not expect any of these things from an inspection. However, they are things that upon inspection you would want to deal with. Replacing part of the buildings frame and external structures may be necessary.

If you are in a position to do some of the restoration or repair work yourself, seek advice. This could be as informal as visiting a Timber Supplies store such as NHS for information on costs to more formal building and architectural firms who specialise in building code renovations.

Electrical inspections are also not usually included with the commercial inspection unless you request one. However, it is possible to arrange for an electrical inspection at the same time as your commercial inspection services.

That said, do not expect to get an electrical appraisal of your commercial building unless you specifically make time for one.

While inspections can be tedious and time-consuming, they serve a vital purpose in ensuring the safety and health of everyone that uses the building.

It’s best if you know what to expect so as to make the process much quicker and simpler. Knowing is half the battle, so know what to, and what not to expect from a commercial building inspection before you are ever subject to one.