Elastic bonding fastening technique for modular construction

Modular ConstructionIn both the motor industry and the manufacture of domestic appliances and industry equipment, the benefits of modular design and construction are well understood: modular construction means lower production costs. But in many cases traditional fastening techniques-most notably welding-can no longer be used in modular construction.

They would damage heat-sensitive components made from plastics or other modern composites, and often require extensive finishing work.

Because elastic bonding avoids all these problems, it is the ideal fastening technique for use in modular construction.

Designer in the motor industry were quick to recognize the advantages of elastic bonding technology. Freed from the restrictions that conventional fastenings impose on the choice of materials and the shapes that can be produced, car designers now enjoy almost unlimited styling freedom. Structural engineers, too, have come to appreciate the benefits of modern elastic adhesive technology. The performance of elastic adhesive bonds has been exhaustively documented in reports, test results and long-term trials, and automotive engineers now have access to detailed design specifications and material data. Using the latest computer technology they can design and dimension elastic adhesive joints to perform within precise determined limits.

For the manufacturers of motor vehicles, domestic appliances and industrial equipment, the use of elastic adhesives with their multi-function properties reduces the number of separate processing stages and makes for a more streamlined production operation. But the customer also benefits – typically in the form of fuel savings, made possible by the motor industry’s use of lightweight, elastic bonded materials.