EFQM Excellence Model – History and Comprehension

History of EFQM

EFQM (stands for the European Foundation for Quality Management) is funded in 1988 by leaders of 14 famous European companies and certified by European Committee. This grate management network which its members now are more than 800 companies is expanding all over Europe. European Model for Business Quality which nowadays calls as EFQM Model has been selected as a framework for self-qualification of structures and value-judge measurement for candidates who apply to grant of European Quality Appraisal that was granted in 1992 for the first time.

Customer and people satisfaction, creation of effectiveness in society and getting business results, supporting of European managers who apply to improve Quality Management as an absolute factor to access to Excellency in international competition are the initial targets of EFQM.

Comprehensions and Values

EFQM Model is funded on 8 basically Comprehensions and Values as follows:

• Result;
• Customer-ship;
• Leading and Stability in Targets;
• Management based on Processes and Facts;
• Development and People Cooperation;
• Learning, Innovation and Continues Improvement;
• Partnership Development;
• Society Responsibility of Company.

Nevertheless the basic comprehensions and targets of EFQM Model have long term periods, but we can divide them in three levels as below:

• Start up level, at the beginning way of organization towards EFQM Model;
• On the way level, there are some indications and possibilities in organization for planning to full access to EFQM Model;
• Mature level, all comprehensions and values are completely implemented in all levels of organization and its going toward the execution and development of them.


EFQM Model consist of 9 main Measurements that are categorized in two groups; Enablers (including 5 measures) and Results (including 4 measures). Both groups have the same values. Measurements are as below:

• Enablers Group:
– Leadership (100 cores)
– Policy and Strategy (80 cores)
– People (90 cores)
– Partnership and Resources (90 cores)
– Processes (140 cores)
• Results Group:
– Customer Results (200 cores)
– People Results (90 cores)
– Society Results (60 cores)
– Key Performance Results (150 cores)

EFQM Excellency Model as a National Quality Appraisal has particular characteristics i.e.:

• Customer-ship;
• Function-ship(useable and concentrate on functions);
• Effective combination between Management, Strategic Planning and Quality Management Systems;
• Forwarding approach and Society Commitment;
• Integrity and Coordination in all departments of organization;
• Emphasizing on Potential as well as Actual Customers and also Society Responsibilities of Organization.