How to Choose a Construction Management Company

Construction Management CompanyChoosing the right construction management company could be the difference between a botched project and a well executed project. Whether the project is a residential project or commercial one, proper management is critical to staying on budget and ensuring that the relevant building permits and specifications are adhered to.

Interview Company Representatives

A candid interview with representatives from the management company should be a part of the selection process. This will give the client the opportunity to meet the team and to discuss expectations for the project. The interview is a great way to gauge whether or not the management company possess all the expertise required to complete the project.

Get Trusted References

Unless the company was formed a few days prior, they should be able to provide references that can be verified. Where possible, visiting completed job sites or contacting former clients, with the management company’s permission, may offer additional insight and assist in the decision-making process. Browsing through the company’s portfolio is also a great way to gain insight into the company’s capabilities.

Research Company History and Reputation Online

The internet has revolutionized the way in which information is made available to the public. Companies are able to control information that is fed to the public through their website and social media pages. On the flipside, the internet has also changed the way in which consumers share information.

Good or bad, consumers will not hesitate to share their experiences on social media, blogs and review websites. Before hiring a construction management company, doing a quick search online may provide insight into the company’s operations and information about how other projects were managed. Consumers use platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube daily to share their delight or disdain with the companies that serve them. Like with everything else on the internet, however, information found should be assessed in context.

Visit the Company’s Office or Place of Business

Visiting the management company’s registered place of business is a great way to get a feel of their overall professionalism, and to verify that the company actually exists, especially if they were not recommended by a trusted source.

There is no guarantee that having interviewed the team, contacted references and researched the company online will provide the desired results for any given project. It will however reduce the likelihood of hiring a company that is inexperienced and has a bad reputation. If the aim is to have the project completed on time, and on budget, then the due diligence is worth the time.