Why your company needs a disaster recovery plan

According to a study of 300 executives conducted by the Disaster Recovery Journal, nearly three in four firms have some form of business continuity plan in place. Clearly, this is an issue that companies take seriously. But exactly how important are these plans, and does your firm need one? Keep reading to find out why your business may benefit from putting these contingency measures in place.

It’s impossible to predict when disaster may strike

First and foremost, it’s impossible to predict when disaster may strike. From floods, fires and thefts to power cuts, a host of problems can affect your firm with little or no warning. If you lack suitable emergency plans, these events can render your business unable to function. In contrast, if you’ve prepared for circumstances like these, you should be able to carry on operating.

Because of the unpredictable nature of running a company, it’s important to make sure your disaster recovery plan covers all the bases. To do this, you’ll need to identify the resources you need in order to continue functioning, such as computer equipment, databases, emails and applications. Even more fundamentally, you’ll need access to power. To ensure your electricity doesn’t get cut off, you may decide to install a backup supply. There are now a range of generators available that can provide you with power in the event of a mains failure. To find a machine that meets your power needs and other practical requirements, it pays off to do some research online. You can get more information about the various power solutions on offer by visiting specialist websites such as adeltd.co.uk.

Any downtime could hit your sales

If you still need convincing about the dangers of not planning for potential disasters, consider how this could hit your sales. Being unable to respond to customer enquiries and process transactions for a period of time can prevent you from securing customers for your products or services. In turn, this can hit your bottom line. The longer your firm is out of action, the more severe the impact will be. Bear in mind that consumers these days expect to be able to access products and services immediately, and any delay in response from your business is likely to make them take their custom elsewhere.

A failure to plan may damage your reputation

As well as having a direct impact on your ability to attract and process orders, being unable to respond effectively to fires, floods, power failures and other disasters can harm your reputation. In addition to harming your ability to provide effective customer service, these shortcomings can cause people to lose trust in your business. This can be a particular problem if your security is compromised or you lose customer data.

Given these points, it’s not hard to see why so many businesses have continuity plans in place. If you create one for your firm, you should be able to enjoy greater peace of mind and you can help ensure the lasting success of your company.