Choosing the Right Supplier For Your Project

Choosing the right supplier can be a difficult task. In the world of project management, having a good supplier is the key to a successful project. You need a project that will be completed on time. What’s more, you need a project that is going to fulfil the needs of the pre-devised goals. More important than any of this, you need to ensure that any peripherals within the project do not exceed the budget. After all, sticking to a budget is part of your task as a project manager. 

Finding the right supplier is important. You need to ensure that you meet the aims of the project while staying within budget. There are, however, some things that you can do to make this demanding task easier to execute.

Project Suppliers 

The Brief 

A summary of the project is the most important document in the onset of the business. You need to ensure that you have a brief to hand in the early days. This ensures that the goals and targets of the project are met. But, in your quest to find a supplier, you also need to make sure that you are sending copies of this brief to them. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Make sure that you email many different suppliers with your brief. Ask them to write a proposal back to you.  Tell them what you want. But, be clear. Ask them what they can do for you. You don’t want to spoon-feed information to them. 

What Does Your Project Need? 

Your suppliers will undoubtedly tell you that they can meet your explicit criteria. But, you need to be specific about what your project needs.  Statewide Bearings state that you need to ask them a wide range of questions. This should form part of the proposal. 

  • Ask your supplier if they can complete supply and demand within the proffered timeframe
  • Ask the supplier if they need support from a third party
  • Ask the supplier if they provide support on their products. This is important for niche, technological industries
  • How will this support be delivered? 

Once you have clearly defined your questions, you can include this with the brief. Suggest that they create a proposal that answers your key questions. 

Quotes, Galore 

Every supplier is going to say that they are the cheapest. That’s part of the business world. But, relying on one quote may have a damaging impact on your project. What is more, you should not be driven by price. You may pay more for a quality service. After all, delivering the supply needs is as vital as the price. Refer to the proposal as given by a supplier to ensure that you are on the right lines. 

Service Level Agreements 

Getting a service level agreement is vital. Any reputable supplier will want to ensure that you are all covered during this process. A service level agreement is fundamental to the success of the project. This way, everyone’s expectations are managed. 

The service level agreement should have the following guidelines: 

  • Work and activity to be completed
  • The project plan
  • A timeframe to be completed within
  • Projections and costs analysis
  • Cost of the project and value of the supplies
  • Roles and responsibilities of the project manager and other go-to people
  • Contact points within both businesses

Finding the right supplier is not a difficult task. Get the right supplier for your project, using these tips