How To Build A Property In A Remote Location

Ever fancied moving away from the cities and taking up residence in the wilderness? In days gone by, it was a lot easier – think Walden: Or, Life in the Woods – but it is still a viable option for anyone wanting to get away. Thankfully, there is still a lot of space in the States – and a lot of remote locations ripe for potential picking. Here’s a brief guide to everything you need to know.

Finding the land

One of your biggest problems will be finding somewhere suitable. You probably have a particular area in mind, so start there – but be prepared for some disappointments. Your best bet is to scour maps of forests and get any information you can from local Chambers of Commerce. Talk to the local Fish and Game departments, too – they will have knowledge of untouchable areas. It’s worth speaking to realtors as well – they may well know exactly where the best land is for remote living.

Getting permission

Planning permission will be your next headache – and normally, you can’t apply for it without buying the land first. So, before you blow all of your cash on a location that you can’t build on, make sure you have a thorough survey. Don’t forget, you may need more than a home built – you might need roads, too. With this in mind, you have to allow for soil and concrete testing to ensure that your planning application has the best chance of success.

The off-grid decision

When you are all alone in the middle of nowhere, the likelihood is that it will be too costly to have electricity and gas diverted to your home. So, you have a big decision to make about whether you are prepared for life off-grid or not. You will need electricity and gas, of course, but you should think long and hard about how you are going to get it. A generator, solar panels, and wind power can all combine to give you some options.

Hiring a construction firm

Another problem is that because your construction team will be coming from a long distance away, it might impact their work. For example, even something as simple as mixing concrete can be difficult when you are in a remote location. And, of course, it’s all going to add to your costs. So, before you hire a random company, make sure you have discussed everything with them and got to the root of the major issues.


As you discuss your plans with your architect, they will probably speak to you about safety. When you live in a remote location, plenty of dangers could cause you issues. For example, if there is a lack of access, then how will a fire truck get to you in the event of you starting an accidental fire? Also, how easy will it be for your surroundings to go up in flames? Make sure that you have solutions to these problems – both preventative, and some escape routes.

Good luck with the new build – and enjoy your life in the wilderness!

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Remote Home Building