Biometric-Clocking-in Machines Cut Costs of Running Business

Biometric-Clocking-in MachineAlthough the global economy is showing signs of a turnaround, companies still need to find ways of cutting costs. In recent years, largely thanks to the internet, the business world has evolved rapidly to create innovative products and services that allow firms to downsize and help improve profits.

Technology has taken on a major role in the ability for firms to reduce their outlay. One of the most significant improvements is in the area of bioNano technology from manufacturers have developed a series of fool-proof clocking-in machines that save up to five per cent on your payroll, measure the cost of labour and reduce the need for manned security.

Biometric clocking-in machines are the latest time attendance systems. They can accurately identify employees and record the exact times they clocked in and out. Because the data is digitally stored in a central data base, there is no way employees can fiddle their time report – something traditional time attendance systems are notorious for.

The benefits of biometric time attendance machines

Biometric systems are not just about companies saving money. They also protect employees from being underpaid, and heighten the security of your business premises.

The electronic systems work by digitally mastering a copy of the user’s body parts, depending on the type of biometric machine is being used. Handwipe and fingerprint systems are most commonly used for business premises, but there is also face recognition and iris recognition for companies that demand higher security measures.

Top-of-the-range clocking-in machines are also fitted with a safety catch which will only unlock when authorised personnel are identified – and biometric systems have a high accuracy rate. This allows you to cut down on using manned security guards thus removing another financial burden from the payroll.

Measuring labour costs

Electronic clocking-in machines can benefit companies in other ways too. Some of them have software that enables you to cost jobs by recording the actual time it takes an individual or team to finish a job against the amount of time it is expected to take. This will enable businesses to identify areas of their operations that can be improved to help increase productivity.

But businesses can also use time data to protect the wellbeing of their staff. Shift workers can be protected against working to many hours in a day or even in a row without a break. This is especially useful in hospitals, care homes and environments that use machinery where employees can be a danger to themselves and others.

Time attendance machines come with software packages that allow you to collate data into easy-to-read graphs and charts. For example, you may want to assess an employee’s attendance record and note a pattern in absenteeism. Perhaps your employee has personal issues you as a company could help them with.

Biometric clocking-in machines promise to be one of the most cost-efficient products in recent years and takes technology another step further to creating a safe and secure world.