How to Bid on Government Construction Contracts

Goverment Construction ContractsThe federal government is seemingly always looking for bids and bidders for various projects. How the process essentially works is that companies submit government construction bids trying to win the job. These bids allow companies to compete for the government contracts by saying they can complete the project within a certain timeframe and payment amount. But how does one go about bidding on government construction jobs? The following information will help you successfully obtain all the required information you need as well as registering on the Central Contractor Registration website so you can begin submitting bids for government contracts.

Step 1

Obtain an employer identification number (EIN) by registering with the IRS. This can be completed online at no cost, and you should receive your unique EIN immediately. EINs are sometimes called TIN or tax identification number.

Step 2

Obtain a DUNS number by registering with Dun and Bradstreet. The number you receive is a business identification number that is required for people wanting to bid on federal contracts. You can get your number immediately by registration via the phone.

Step 3

Start a new registration on the Central Contractor Registration website. This can be done by visiting the website and clicking on “Start New Registration”. Next, click on “Create a User Account” and input the required information. You will also have to know your EIN and DUNS numbers, as well as your NAICS industry classification code. If you don’t have the code, you can use the online tools on the Central Contractor Registration website to find it by entering keywords that describe the business.

Step 4

Once you have entered in all the required information, click on the “Save Data/Validate” button. This will save your information, and complete your registration. You should receive an email confirmation after completing the application. Keep in mind it could take five business days to receive the email. Once you are successfully registered, you can begin bidding on government contracts.


Keep in mind that submitting a bid for a government contract does not mean you simply quote a price. You have to prepare a business plan. You are essentially trying to sell your services to the government so your plan should include financial data, complete list of offerings and documents that show your experience and knowledge in the field. If you are at a lost on how to prepare a business plan, most small business administration offices — possibly even the one in your area — can help you with the business plan’s preparation.