5 Ways To Be Greener in Your Everyday Life

Doing your best to help the environment is an admirable goal for anyone to have, but figuring out how to do it isn’t always easy. Going green can seem intimidating, time-consuming, and even expensive. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be any of those things. Here are a few simple ways to reduce your carbon footprint and make your life a bit greener.

1. Recycle

A good way to reduce the amount of waste your household produces is to recycle as much as possible. If you aren’t sure how to recycle in your area, or you need help determining what materials are recyclable, consult your local government website. You may be surprised at how many things can be recycled. Scrapyards and other establishments that specialize in Fort Lauderdale electronics recycling will even take care of your old computers or tablets.

2. Shop Local

The transportation of meat and produce over large distances produces a huge amount of greenhouse gases. To help combat this, try buying groceries from local farms and vendors. Not only will the shorter distance result in fewer carbon emissions, it will also provide you with the freshest possible products and help stimulate your local economy.

3. Compost

When organic waste, such as food scraps and yard debris, gets buried in a landfill, it produces harmful pockets of a greenhouse gas called methane. Composting prevents this by allowing the organic matter to decompose in an oxygen-rich environment, which prevents the production of methane. Additionally, the decomposed material becomes a wonderfully natural and environmentally friendly fertilizer.

4. Use Less Plastic

Plastic is an unavoidable fact of life, so cutting it out entirely is probably not possible for most people. However, there are some simple ways to reduce your plastic use. Bring your own reusable bags to the grocery store, purchase a reusable water bottle instead of disposable plastic ones, and when you can’t avoid plastic, do your best to stick with only the recyclable varieties.

5. Hang Dry Your Clothes

If you have the space, a smart way to cut down on energy use is to invest in a clothesline. Although convenient, clothes dryers require a hefty amount of energy to dry all of your clothes. Air drying may take a little longer, but it will get the job done and do so with no carbon emissions.

Making the decision to go green can seem difficult at first, but with these easy tips, you’ll be enjoying your new, eco-friendly life in no time.